useful work

美 [ˈjuːsfl wɜːrk]英 [ˈjuːsfl wɜːk]
  • 网络有用的工作;有用功;有用工作;有效功
useful workuseful work
  1. Some of the heat is used directly or produces useful work ;


  2. 30 per cent of the current in the circuit is not doing useful work .


  3. But how do you get an object to do useful work for you ?


  4. Every boy when he is young should learn some useful work .


  5. In recent years , many scholars have done a lot of useful work in this area .


  6. Context-switch time is overhead ; the system does no useful work while switching .


  7. Atomic energy has been tamed and harnessed for useful work .


  8. Since everything has two sides , even corrosion which seems so harmful can do useful work for us .


  9. The more useful work a visual element can accomplish while still retaining clarity , the better .


  10. Some useful work has been done by Shanghai Research institute of Chemical industry in its development of nitrophosphate .


  11. In this system , the useful work about software portability and improvement of Z-80 development environment is achieved .


  12. Am I having threads do useful work while waiting for device I / O operations to complete ?


  13. It 's very useful work to establish a simulation training system of biochemical reaction for pharmaceutical industry and higher education of engineering .


  14. It is mainly formed by the imperfection , limitation and some destruction of " useful work " .


  15. Some hapless programmer is then pulled off useful work and forced to work on this new feature .


  16. Better if the signal was also socially productive , so that I could hand out bread in exchange for useful work .


  17. In other words , the best staff could do as much as five times the useful work of the least productive staff .


  18. This paper discusses the availability function , giving general formula for calculating the losses of useful work in all kinds of thermodynamic processes .


  19. Work created through the program is typically useful work that would not otherwise be done in poor neighborhoods for lack of finance .


  20. The result is that you will spend more time moving pages in and out of memory than you will getting any useful work done .


  21. There 's a great deal of scope for architects in China and a lot of useful work to be done in our modernization program .


  22. While one thread is delayed awaiting completion of an I / O , another thread is able to do useful work .


  23. Engines transform heat released in combustion into useful work that ultimately turns the vehicle 's wheels propelling it down the road .


  24. It was interesting , decently paid , useful work , he told me at the holiday gathering where we 'd met .


  25. Competition between the Huns and the Mongol tribes useful work of Han Dynasty , the tribe was not a one .


  26. Wave power refers to the capture of ocean wave energy to do useful work including electricity generation , desalination , and filling a reservoir with water .


  27. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies , about three quarters of the energy we use to move things , including ourselves , accomplishes no useful work .


  28. It is possible to do this process of burying deliberately , and in this way the unconscious can be led to do a lot of useful work .


  29. Many capable people doing very useful work today were trained during the War of Resistance Against Japan , and they are known as cadres of the " 38 type " .


  30. Middle-class Anglos knew them as construction workers , maids , cooks , truck drivers & people doing useful work but a class apart .
